Message from Adama and the Children of Telos
Returning to the Simplicity of the Heart
Dear children of the One Heart,
It is with sheer joy and delight that we connect with you today at this special time of the change of the seasons. During this special month of celebration, Telos and many other subterranean cities of Light are gathering in honor of this most important time in the evolution of humanity on our beloved Mother Earth Virgo. Earth and its inhabitants are the focus of so much solar light filtering into the planetary heart and soul, humanity is now evolving at a very fast rate and we of the company of Light, celebrate each positive step forward, each breakthrough in consciousness, each choice that was made in the name of Love and Harmony.
Many of you are facing major initiations and changes during these challenging times and are learning to summon the strength of their Faith and live with Courage like never before. Never has there been more Love available to you from on high when faced with a situation that you need to rise above. Most of you do not fully know the impact your thoughts, words and actions have on your neighbour. There are many currents of energy circulating on the planet right now. Which ones are you attracting to you? Your free will and level of vibration will either lead you to a choice of giving in to fear or loss along with its accompanying negative thoughts and emotions or you can choose to become a powerful transformer of energy, one that is helping to uplift and enlighten the collective consciousness of Humanity. The more you can look at the fear you may be experiencing and truly thank it for what it is teaching you about yourself, the more it will be easy to reach inside yourself for the inspiration and guidance that you crucially need right now to allow abundance and generosity to flow in your life.
When you can truly thank all that is happening in your world today, and welcome each and every thought and feeling needing the light of forgiveness into the sacred fires of your heart, the more you are truly transmuting and opening your heart to finally allow in the infinite joyous possibilities that are all lined up awaiting your openness to receive them in this now moment. If you do not have enough Love in your beingness yet to be able to respond to uncertainty with the confidence and creativity that can change your reality, patience is required to take the time to hear and nurture the wounded aspects of your heart that still need to be tended to. Once you have integrated these energies, your heart will no longer resist the Love that has been but waiting to quickly fulfill your needs.
As Light bearers in this world, the importance of constantly returning to your center, your heart’s wisdom, is primordial especially when choices need to be made and your opinions are requested. Currently, there is a great deal of misinformation in circulation, as each side believes they have the truth, and these truths quite often contradict each other, causing confusion and most often division. When someone claims to have all the truth, this is where you must use discernment. Your heart’s guidance is very simple. Ask yourself, does this information instill a Peace in my heart? Does it strengthen my Faith and help to promote Unity between myself and others?
Taking the time to daily listen to your feelings, to listen to the nature and scope of your feelings will help you to become more fluent in the language of your own heart. Children instinctively act upon their feelings, their rational minds are not given the chance to lead them in any other direction than what can fulfill the need of their heart. They are naturally led by their heart and Life is about enjoyment. The Children of Telos come to us with an energy of sweet freedom of the heart. Their energy can help us to return to the simplicity of the heart’s truth. In this energy, we can more easily release expectations and the need for our reality to be a certain way, they can help us to live more fully in the moment and find what is lovable and enjoyable in our day to day experience. The children beckon you to let your heart lead the way. When you allow your rational mind to take a back seat, you will be able to hear the song of love of your heart, indeed it is more like a chorus! Will you join this orchestra and allow yourself to hear your heart’s call ?
Can you hear its sweet songs of freedom?
What brings pleasure and gratification for you?
Once you discern what that is, we encourage you to take the steps to move in that direction. For many, this takes a constant effort to continue to listen to that inner voice as we have put layers over our hearts over time and it can take courage and diligent effort to dissolve them.
We perceive many worrying about tomorrow and what the world will become, we encourage you to hold onto your Faith and consciously call on the energies of the Lemurian Heart to merge with yours and to help to gradually return you and your society to the state of innocence, simplicity and expectant joy that can once again create openness and spontaneous expression in your world. Each one of you is so powerful and can help humanity to resolve the current reality of Covid 19 on this planet. Your long-standing energy of mistrust towards your leaders has maintained you in a state of constant disappointment between you and those that govern your countries, a reality which has you continually creating more of what you do not want to experience.
The children and the youth do not carry as much baggage, their perception for the manifestation of a good leadership is not as affected by the weight of karmic deceptions and cynicism of the past, their hearts are more open and they can imagine and attract representatives that are good and fair. Because their spirit is optimistic and more pure, they open the door to allow them to also express their higher nature. There is a popular cultural story or tale that you know well, by the name of the Grinch who stole Christmas. The Grinch turned everybody away until finally he was touched and convinced by the love of a little girl who still believed in his innocence and goodness. With unwavering optimism, she held him in a pure and loving regard until he finally could see this within himself. Ultimately, we are still in the process of releasing the self judgements and inner anger that we have stored in our cellular memory over long periods of time, it takes determination and unwavering optimism to love ourselves and our fellow brothers and sisters enough to transform the individual and collective planetary consciousness into a world of harmony and joy. In this time of great change where the paradigms are shifting, your positive contribution to the collective consciousness could help change the world.
It is not a coincidence that the youth of the world are awakening in greater numbers and are becoming a more vocal and positive force in the world today. Hearts brimming with the fires of altruism and love, they feel a particular responsibility to speak up to create their vision of a better world, one where love, equality and unity can abide beautifully.
We welcome you dear ones to join your hearts to ours and take part in this month’s celebration of the autumnal equinox in Telos, a week’s long celebration in which we gather to pray intensely for mankind to transcend its self-imposed limitations and realize its long held potential of Love. Under the radiance and Love of the Goddess of the Moon and the stars and planets, we pray for the full resurrection of all the hearts of humanity. The children are at the center of the circle, reverently singing songs of joy and Oneness into the atmosphere. Overlaid over the collective heart of humanity is a magnificent and immaculate Diamond Heart serving to beam the light of the highest truths of Love and Christ purity into its every facet. So much of the negativity of the collective heart, the seeming unfairness, illusion of lack and inequality, is rising daily to the surface to be expressed and inevitably transmuted. We invite you also to dream with us….to add your dreams for humanity and join us in the co-creation of the new golden age of Aquarius, this New World that is dawning and being filled with honor, gentleness, harmony and unlimited Love.
With a heart that is constant and flowing with limitless joy, I AM Adama and the Children of Telos
Message received by Nancy Fuoco on September 22, 2020