Picture of Master Adama by Visionary Artist Glenda Green
Adamas Corner
Introducing Master Adama!
Master Adama is the High Priest and spiritual leader of Lemuria. Lemuria was an early advanced civilization living here on the surface of the Earth. He is also a member of the Council of Elders of Telos. Telos is a High Dimensional subterranean city of Cosmic Crystal Light created by the Lemurians, and has been existing for over 12,000 years, under Mt. Shasta, California, and is an integral member of the Agartha network.
He is also an ambassador and diplomat for Galactic contacts with our Star Brothers and Sisters, on behalf of humanity.
Adama and his team of High Dimensional Lemurians, in collaboration with the Galactic and Interplanetary Hierarchy, charge the formation and maintenance of the geometric Crystalline Grid that encompasses and sustains our majestic planet. He embodies the Heart of Lemuria, the Heart of God, and is passionate about the evolution of all humanity to return living in Loving kindness, Peace and Harmony with all races and and all kingdoms of which we all share on Earth .
What is unique with Adama’s messages, is the focus on the practices and protocols required to fast track your Spiritual growth and ASCEND IN THIS LIFETIME!
He tells us of The Great Dispensation from Creator God offered to humanity at this time, and the critical importance to take advantage of this window of opportunity!
Through the guidance of Master Adama, Canadian channel and author, Aurelia Louise Jones, established a publishing company to supply these revolutionary messages to a global network of distributors to help speed up the evolution of humanity by revealing the Truth of who we really are and how to reach our true capabilities!
A message from Master Adama – Channeled through Aurelia Louise Jones.
“Greetings my dear friends,
It is indeed with great joy and excitement in our Heart that we of Telos connect Heart to Heart with all of you who feel drawn to the Revelations of
the New Lemuria!
I would like to express my deep gratitude to Aurelia Louise Jones for her relentless dedication to her mission, and for her vision of the impact her work will bring to many nations on this planet who will be greatly blessed by our energies and teachings they contain. Such a great number of beloved souls everywhere are so ready to open their hearts to their Lemurian heritage. May our books serve as the remembrance their souls need for the great and deep awakening they have been seeking.
We foresee that our teachings will travel far and wide to reach those who are connected with us worldwide, and will assist hundreds of thousands in their journey to spiritual freedom. I would like to assure all of you who will be reading our transmissions, wherever you are, that as you read, we will be right there with you at your side, sending you our love and encouraging you to open your heart and consciousness to greater and greater levels of awareness.
The energy that is transmitted to you through the words of our heart connection with you, will change forever the perspective of your present life experience. Our intention throughout these books, has been to give you a taste of what an enlightened civilization is like, and to encourage you to begin applying those principles as much as you can in your daily life. As you do you will soon discover that your life will flow with greater ease and grace. All of you together, along with all of us from the Light Realm, will heal this planet! By cosmic law, we can only match your efforts!
Radiate your love and ask to be included ‘on the list‘ of those to whom we will make first contact with. It does not matter where you live or how remote you are, we have ways of contacting anyone we want anywhere on the planet at the right moment. The requirements to be included ‘on our list’ are that you first must desire it, open your consciousness to embrace your divinity, and then be of service to yourself, to your planet and to all your brothers and sisters living on it. Prepare the way for our emergence by your faith, love and determination, and the sharing of your new truths.
Remember that we will not meet you at your present level of consciousness. You must vibrate higher to perceive us in our dimension!
I Am Adama, your Lemurian Brother.”
edited from Telos Volume 3
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